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When do most major trucking accidents occur?

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2022 | Truck Accidents |

Accidents involving large trucks in Georgia are among the type of motor vehicle incidents that get the most publicity, often because of the severity of the injuries suffered by victims. These accidents tend to occur in rural areas or on interstate highways, but they also tend to occur at certain times of the day.

What is the most common time for truck accidents?

The perception among many is that trucking accidents occur primarily when light levels are low. That’s not the case, as the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) indicates that the most likely time for severe truck accidents occurs midweek between the hours of noon and 3 p.m. Common truck-related accident statistics include:

• Occurring between 6 a.m and 6 p.m.

• 18% of fatalities occurred between noon and 3 p.m., while 22% suffered injuries

• Only 13% of semi-truck crashes involved vehicles other than trucks

• The fewest number of fatalities occurred between midnight to 3 a.m.

Weekends may have the most fatal semi-truck crashes because of high alcohol use, but most fatal collisions occur on Thursday when cargo transportation is higher, and trucks tend to travel at higher speeds.

Other factors influencing trucking accidents

While the time of day may influence trucking accidents, victims should not ignore the presence of other factors, especially when those mishaps involve life-changing injuries. Driver error and fatigue are common reasons for mishaps. Speeding, particularly when a driver must arrive at a destination at a specific time, is also significant. Distracted driving, intoxication and not securing loads are other common reasons.

Whenever an accident occurs, and no matter the reason, victims are entitled to compensation if negligence is involved. If you believe that you or a loved one have been injured in a trucking accident due to negligence, you may be eligible for compensation.

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