If you are a parent in Georgia, you already know that children can get into anything despite your best efforts. Some products are more likely to send children under six to the hospital. Learn the most common items to injure children. Window blinds There have been...
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
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How to talk to your family about your estate plan in Georgia
Estate planning is one of those things that Georgia residents know is important but that they often put off because it's difficult. However, it's crucial for ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of after you're gone. How then, do you broach the topic? Prepare...
Understanding an anticipatory breach
When two parties sign a contract in Georgia, they obligate themselves to follow through with the terms and conditions. With real estate transactions, the parties sign a contract that binds the buyer and seller to specific prices and terms. If someone does not live up...