When someone publishes or obtains a company's trade secrets, the company might be able to make a legal claim against that individual. This type of claim is called trade secret misappropriation, and it's essential for business owners in Georgia to understand how these...
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
What is a force majeure contract clause?
Force majeure clauses are a standard part of contracts in Georgia. The clauses allow businesses to suspend or cancel a contract if a force majeure event happens. This term refers to any unforeseen event that prevents either party from fulfilling their obligations...
4 options for resolving partnership disputes in Georgia
Almost all partnerships in Georgia start with great enthusiasm. However, different experiences and visions among partners lead to divergent perspectives that often end in conflict. If this happens to you, it's best to deal with your disagreements as soon as possible...
Steps to take to avoid construction contract disputes
Construction sites involve a complex set of personalities and multiple contracts. If even one of those contracts ends up in litigation, your Georgia project can turn into a financial loss instead of a profitable investment. Consider these tips in order to avoid...
What to do if you suspect an anticipatory breach
Contract law in Georgia can lead to a great many financial and legal tangles. When you enter into a contract with another party, you will naturally expect all of the various conditions to be fulfilled. When you suspect that a breach may occur, it can be a cause of...
The FTC reviews NCAs
President Biden signed an executive order in July 2021 designed to stimulate the economy by promoting competition. The Biden Administration appointed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to monitor the use of non-compete clauses or agreements (NCAs) that will limit...
Is Your Business Protected with a Strong Force Majeure Clause?
Supply chain delays are not just wreaking havoc on suppliers in Georgia. Many businesses have run afoul of their contract agreements with delayed or missing products due to unforeseen circumstances. For those businesses that did not have force majeure agreements to...
Common business dispute resolution options in Georgia
Resolving business disputes can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Litigation is one of the options that people may use to resolve business disputes, but it's not the only one available. In fact, litigation should generally be the last resort. Read on to learn...
How to handle business disputes with family
Many Georgia residents appreciate the value of owning a family business. Family businesses leave a legacy for future generations and offer a sense of pride and good reputation to the members. Running a family business comes with challenges, such as minor disagreements...
Do you have a trade secret?
If your business in Georgia has a trade secret, a leak could threaten your entire company. Fortunately, federal laws offer protection for trade secrets under certain conditions. It's important to establish that your idea or method is a trade secret in the first...