Owning a business in Georgia comes with its share of responsibility. The last thing you want is for a customer to be injured by a product that you sold them. This is the kind of mishap that can quickly put a store owner out of business. It will be up to you to do all...
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
Preparation Is Critical To Your Case
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Time frames for filing product liability lawsuits in Georgia
Georgia law recognizes that some manufacturing or distributing companies sell products that are dangerous for users. Therefore, if a defective product injures you, you should file a lawsuit against the liable manufacturer, supplier, or retailer to get the compensation...
Mistakes to avoid after a crash
If you are involved in a motorcycle crash while traveling on a Georgia highway, you may incur a significant financial loss. However, depending on the circumstances of your crash, it may be possible to obtain compensation from the other party or parties involved in the...